[AD] Fortune Gems & Jewellery

List Members,

We would like to inform everybody that Fortune Gems & Jewellery
is now on the world wide web. for your all your requirements of
East African Gemstones, please visit our website for products
availability, pricing and description.20

also make sure you visit the mining footage for first hand
picture of our mining sites in tunduru, and the different
adventures and trouble we go through to give you all those
glittering gems. a person dealing in gemstones can appreciate
its values only after he has seen the risk, trouble and pain
that the miners go through to extract the minerals. we are still
improving our site by adding picture of the Merelani Mines in
Arusha (tanzanite), many new unexplored mines in tanzania, and
more pictures of rough and cut stones. we have an exclusive
agent in usa, who stocks most of the items in inventory.20

we hope you enjoy the on the site and we welcome any
comments or suggestions from everybody.

Best Wishes,

Hassan Versi
Fortune Gems & Jewellery ltd
P.O.Box 77528
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


Joseph Lanese (cj)
Gemstone Brokerage Associates Ltd. Telephone (518)438-548720
P.O. Box 8930 Albany, N.Y. 12208
Http://www.sweet-sites.com/gba cj-gba@worldnet.att.net