A possible answer to Rhoduim plating

Hello All:

In an article dated 7-1-04 W.R. Cobb and Co. has announced the
patent of a proprietary white gold alloy known as Precise White Gold
that maintains its color without the need for rhodium plating. I
hope it works so we can be rid of all the off color white gold
pretender alloys.

Michael R. Mathews Sr.

Is there a link for this article somewhere? Where did you read it? A
magazine perhaps?

Lee Lyssimachou

    I hope it works so we can be rid of all the off color white
gold pretender alloys. 

Hi Michael;

I’d be interested in this material, but only if it’s working and
casting characteristics are reasonable. I’ve found some nice white
alloys which are tougher than you-know-what, very hard to hammer down
a channel, hard to carve with a graver, etc. And, of course, nice
soft ones that are dismally off-white. Keep us posted if you will.

David L. Huffman

Is there a link for this article somewhere? Where did you read it? A
magazine perhaps?

I read it from a search I did on The EBSCO Research Database at GIA
Virtual Campus where I am taking my GG course. It is in the National
Jeweler; 7/1/2004, Vol. 98 Issue 13, p36, 1/8p. Sorry I can’t post
the whole article here but there is a disclaimer at the bottom that
says not to.

Michael R. Mathews