A Halloween Wish

Hello everyone- Well its that season again and I have a couple things
I am questing for (wholesale sources of course).

First and foremost carved gemstone and or bone skulls. Don’t know if
its Harry Potter or Halloween on the way but I have had several
clients ask for small gemstone carved human skulls. Unfortunately my
search for a wholesale source is coming up with zero. So anyone got
a suggestion? I would prefer ones about the size of an egg and if I
could order a mix of gem types that would be a huge plus.

Additionally any kind of gemstone carvings would be nice too. Animals
I know would sell well for me so if anyone knows a good source for
small animal carvings that would be marvelous.

In the interest of reciprocity here are my latest find for nice gem
supplier. Zarlene Imports 1-800-233-799. Not affiliated at all of
course, but my first order was perfect. They shipped like
lightening, good phone support and the gems were gorgeous. Oh good
price too!

Have a great day-

Hi Amy, We would be happy to help with animal carvings in
Pietersite. We have small elephants, rhinos, and turtles between
$20-50. We also have larger horse, frogs and bears priced between
$200 and $300. We are the only year round wholesale source for
Pietersite in the world and offer the product at less cost than if
you ordered direct from Africa. We are an agent for Tiger Eye
Manufacturing the mine owners.

Pietersite products:

Ed Cleveland
Denver CO