A chain search


I’ve been trying to locate a sterling silver chain style that I
originally purchased from Rio (632-271, 3.8 mm oval hammered sterling
chain). I had ordered it in 2008, and Rio has subsequently
discontinued it. It appeared to be a loop-in-loop style chain that
had been twisted slightly and then rolled to give it a mirror
hammered or flattened-surface look. I no longer have the 2007 or 2008
Rio catalogue (my bad), but, if you have one of them, you can check
out what the chain looked like. I would like to find a source for
this chain, if it is currently being made. I’ve been searching
through the catalogues of the usual suspects, but have not found any
supplier who carries it. Anyone have a good source for unusual

Thanks for any and all help,
Linda Kaye-Moses


Search internet for “Jewelry chain, Rhode Island” and there are many
companies listed. It’s the chain center in USA, Providence and

Linda, Tons and Tons of chain at Wolf Myrow in Providance RI and
Waliga’s in RI. They have warehouses of brass, copper, aluminumn and
a room for precious metals chain. Hope this helps. Helen Wyland

Hi Linda,

My name is Travis Searle, I’m the Membership Coordinator for MJSA. I
usually lurk around this board since I work in the industry and
enjoy following the discussions. In regards to your message about
the sterling chain that you used to purchase from Rio, I’d be happy
to send a long a list of chain manufacturers and distributors that
you can contact. (Feel free to message me directly offline.) I would
recommend sending them a picture of the chain that you’re looking
for, to see which company manufactures that particular chain or
something very similar.

For MJSA members, we can do the legwork and send along any images
and requests directly to our chain dealers.

Please also feel free to use our MJSA Buyer’s Guide search engine:
http://www.ganoksin.com/gnkurl/1p7 for all your jewelry making
needs. In this case, please look under the Chain category heading.

Here is a partial list of the 61 companies that sell silver chain:

Ball Chain Mfg Co. Inc.
Bhamra Chain
Cookson Precious Metals
Garlan Chain Co.
M.S. Company Inc.
National Chain Group
Snow and Stars Corp.
Standard Chain Company

CGM Inc.
Downeast Trading
Hoover and Strong
Eastern Findings Corp.
Quality Gold Mfg.
Myron Toback

Best Regards,
Travis Searle
MJSA Membership Coordinator

Have you given Rio a call? When it comes to customer relations they
are over the top. I’ll bet they’d track it down for you, or at least
give you some helpful leads.

As usual, Orchid is so great for helping our community with sourcing
of materials and tools. Thank you so much, everyone who responded to
my query. I think I located a chain style similar to the one I was
looking for, but the supplier had a huge minimum purchase
requirement, way beyond what I would be able to use in my lifetime.
Oh well.

I did make one mistake when I sent out the request for help finding
the chain. I researched my order from Rio, which was in 2007 and the
correct item # and description were: 694-716/16, Sterling Wheat
Chain, (on page 589 in Rio’s catalogue at the time). If you’ve got
Rio’s catalogue from then, you can check out the chain style. Rio
was amazing today…they contacted me to find out how they could help
find the chain. Keeping my fingers crossed that they can find it for
me. However, if any of you out there in Orchid-land have any of this
chain that you’re not using (ever) and want to sell it to me, let me
know privately.

What a community!,
Linda Kaye-Moses