For Sale- Sanders MM Pro6 machine, replacement parts and materials
$6000 or best offer. Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles
where I teach is up grading the lab. To see parts made on the machine
check out my website
Sue Ann Dorman
For Sale- Sanders MM Pro6 machine, replacement parts and
materials $6000 or best offer. Loyola Marymount University in Los
Angeles where I teach is up grading the lab. To see parts made on
the machine check out my website
I bought one last fall on ebay (for a bit less, but it needed new
jets and a few other things) shortly thereafter, along with it
becoming apparent that it needed more than a few trivial parts, I
found a notice on the Soldscape web site (current name of the company
servicing these and supplying parts), that they were, as of about
right now, discontinuing service and parts availability for the MM6
Pro. Since these parts are not interchangeable, so far as I could
determine, with the later models, I took the first offer I could get
to sell the thing before I got stuck with a white elephant. Others,
since, have offered the opinion that perhaps Solidscape would still
offer parts, even if not service contracts, though I couldn’t get
them to admit that, and they pointed out that manufacturing had
stopped or would stop for a number of the custom parts, like the
computer control boards, among other things. But given the need to
replace certain parts (the jets in particular) on a regular basis,
it seemed to me that this was quite a risk to take. Does anyone
know whether this situation has changed? If indeed parts would
reliably continue to be available for the MM6 Pro, then I’d be very
interested again. As is, I have the suspicion that most of the buyers
of these things are folks wishing to buy them as a supply of spare
parts, so they can keep their existing machines running…
Peter Rowe