Sam, Charles.
123D Catch.
this works by taking multiple photo’s of a real object to generate a
3D model.
It works and is kinda neat.
Problem with this approach would be you, if working from drawings,
would have to draw 30-40 views of the object to get it to do it’s
At that point, it would be best to just model it from scratch.
creating 3D from a single image, would be difficult. hard to glean
real data from a single 2D image.
There are techniques to do it from a single photo, but special
preparation is attended to first. such as lighting it with 3
different color sources (RGB) from 3 different angle (120deg
separation) this is affective for front view data capture, but the
back side is left as a hole.
Who knows, someday maybe (hell maybe even to day as I do not have a
comprehensive understanding)
software prices vary, mostly depending on what you are trying to do.
say mechanical engineering type CAD will be the most expensive.
Architectural probably the next.
Animation types can vary from a few hundered dollars to something
like Maya about $3 to $4k
A nice app for around $800 (it may be higher now) is Modo. it is
excellent at freeform modeling… yes even hair. ehem…
A similar level modeling app for much less would be Silo. as far as
I know, it does not have the rendering capabilities. $109 on current
if using a Mac. there is a $99 called Cheetah 3D (never worked with
it) but has a trial version.
If you are interested in doing
Christopher Lund
Neurascenic - Industrial Design