Hi, a design I’m working on requires a bunch of ~2mm wide and deep notches in 22ga sterling. I can’t seem to find any diamond or other wheels that re that thick. Seems like I had some in the distant past but not finding online now.
I’ve been filing them but am happy with the design and want to up production but filing is way to time consuming.
That would be the edge so I can hog out a 2mm x 2mm notch.
I did find a 2.3mm option but looks rather coarse. but ordered up and will try it out.
Still looking for a nicer square like 400grit option. Ya know I had trouble finding quality diamond separating discs that are even 1mm wide. Most are very floppy and easy to bend out of shape. Mine get bent before they get dull! Yes I’m careful and get 6+ months out of them but a bit heftier would be nice.
are you notching an edge? i am assuming an edge because you mentioned initially using a file…
if so, perhaps consider a square cylinder shape bur…although it will create a rounded bottom, versus a flat cornered bottom…it may be worth the design change to get the time saving…?…or perhaps you can crisp up the bottom with a square file (with a safety side)
if you are looking for a 2mm notch, try a slightly smaller size…
alot of the smaller wheel type “burs” are very shallow, and limit the depth of notch…except the below round edge wheel bur
square (parallel) cylinder burs…more of a vertical chopping versus a horizontal slicing…
(i love these finishing burs!)
i like getting the sets first, so i have a variety of sizes…
Since you have not elaborated at what step in the process the notches need to be made.
It is hard to say how to achieve this.
But have you thought about “forging” them by hammer or other means?
I make quite a few grinding discs, of specific widths, or custom shapes, by stacking “cut off discs”, and then shaping them to fit my specific needs.
I find this to be a very effective, and aggressive tool for rough cutting. The fine work requires some hand work, but I certainly can get close, quickly with the stacked discs.
I stack cut off discs (separating dics) and also shape abrasive wheels to fit into a place that I could not otherwise get into. I shape abrasive wheels using an old file to grind away what needs to be removed to get to a shape that I need. Yes, you can buy lots of specialized tools to do this, but start with the ones that you have first and see if they will do the job…Rob