The 2004 SNAG Conference, “In Pursuit of Passion,” will be held on
March 17-21, 2004 at the Hilton in sunny St. Petersburg, Florida!
If you are a SNAG Member, you should have received copies of the
Conference Registration Brochure & Workshop Brochure with your Fall
2003 issue of Metalsmith Magazine.
The deadline for registering and avoiding the late fee is FEBRUARY
4, 2004! The special $129 room rate is also guaranteed through
February 4.
This year, you can once again register for the conference, make
hotel reservations and get complete conference details in one easy,
online step through SNAG’s website at
For additional questions about the conference or to receive a
registration or workshop brochure by mail, email SNAG Conference
Director Kristin Shiga at @snagconference.
For conference registration and hotel reservation questions contact
Complete Conference Coordinators, (630) 637-8100,
For workshop contact Sally Bedrosian, (727) 824-7081,