18th century jewelry making

I am looking for info on the making of 18th century jewlery. I am
presently trying to create my own but find them extremely
complicated. Like I said in my intro, I am a first year student.
We havent seen stone setting yet,but I enjoy this kind of jewlery.
Any ideas on how I could play with these designes without the gems?

Pick a piece of 18th century jewelry and take one or two design
elements from it, ie- use of line, surface treatment, symmetry,
asymmetry, shapes, techniques, ect. Now design a piece that uses
these one or two elements but incorporate your own esthetic into
the piece as well. The idea is not to make a copy but to develop
your own sense of design, while borrowing ideas from the past.
Make a lot of sketches until you find a design that is pleasing.
This process will make achieving your goal of creating a
complicated piece less daunting, by working up to it, while
improving your design skills.

Good Luck,

I am looking for info on the making of 18th century jewlery.  I am
presently trying to create my own but find them extremely

Which 18th century jewlery? Which area? You assume we all
understand. To theow in a wildcard, 18th century European
jewellers made the ‘designer-spectacles’ of the day.

B r i a n � A d a m J e w e l l e r y E y e w e a r �
@Brian_Adam1 ph/fx +64 9 817 6816 NEW ZEALAND
Brian Adam Eyewear eyeglasses
Brian Adam Jewellery jewelry
http://www.adam.co.nz/workshop/ teaching workshops
http://www.adam.co.nz/ruthbaird/ wife, and another fab jeweller