I am just starting out an trying to make the transition from beading and some mounting to actual jewelry making. I have Chronic Fatigue, so it makes this a bit more challenging. I trained as an Electrical Engineer and worked as an engineer then up the management ladder until my eldest was diagnosed with severe learning difficulties and if I didn't quit and work with her; she would end up quite differently than she is today. Today, they now know that girls can have ADD and Aspergers (both were thought of as exclusively male), but that was quite a digression. I took a couple of courses at Revere; who kicked me out when they were told I had chronic fatigue (I needed some rest in the afternoons!). But, their classes just whetted my appetite for learning more; and to do that I need to set up a work space in my garage; as well as being able to ask questions of others as needed. My first need is, however, and it was confirmed by articles I read on your site, is someone who knows how to set up a welding (or soldering) setup. I know too much to attempt to go and get the tanks and gases and then hook them up (I have all the regulators) by myself. So, my first request is for someone in the area that can help me get hooked up so that I can start learning to solder. I also bought a new, close-out PUK-111 welder that needs Argon (which they (I won't name the company) didn't tell me needed a gas hook-up too and I have a regulator for that also. I have 2 daughters; the eldest at a local Community college and the youngest a senior in high school. I guess at this point, I don't really have a lot more to say about myself, except my husband and I own an small electronics company that makes instruments for measuring water quality. Hopefully, we will survive this year -- it has not started well.