

Aloha! I'm Jackie and I live in Kailua on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. I'm basically a self taught lapidary/jeweler and am constantly in search of new information, hints, tips and hopefully answers to all my burning questions. I do my own lapidary work (currently no faceting) for my jewelery items and am mostly working with silver at the moment unless I get a specific request for gold (prices too high to keep in inventory). I also do beading and really enjoy creating with PMC, which I find such a creative material. I'm a 41 year old female with a four-legged furry child (cat) and really enjoy the total creative outlet of jewelry design and creation. I have a lot of questions for anyone who can answer them so be prepared for many postings :slight_smile: Mahalo and Aloha Ka Ko, Jackie Sakalauskas