Yellow spodumene, whats it worth

Have a 4.5 carat medium yellow spodumene for appraisal. Never saw
one before. Anyone have an idea of value or know anyone I can talk to?

Richard, Regarding the value of spodumene, Sinkankas’s second edition
of his Standard Catalog of Gem Values (1994) lists medium yellow cut
spodumene at $5 to $12 per carat.
Jerry in Kodiak

    Have a 4.5 carat medium yellow spodumene for appraisal.  Never
saw one before.  Anyone have an idea of value or know anyone I can
talk to? 

Try Mike Gray at Another site is

Hope this helps


My pricing guides are a couple of years out of date, but they list
kunzite at 5 to 80 dollars a carat in that size, wholesale memo. It
would be a guess, but I would value a yellow specimen at half that or
less, it being a less desirable color. The actual value would be
determined by how good the color is.
