[Yak] Reciprocal links

I would like lots of people to visit my web site. If people would like me
to include a reciprocal link to their web site I would be happy to do so.
Send me the address of your web site with a small banner which I will
include in my web site, and I will send you my banner with my web site
address. Good way to get more traffic?

Richard Whitehouse

Email: @Richard_Whitehouse1

Richard, that’s a great idea, if only everyone did what you are suggesting
then the internet would soon provide us all with an expanding path towards
lots of new and exiting business opportunities. You are suggesting actual
banner exchange amongst orchid members, terrific idea for us all. There
must be many Orchid members out there with websites that need promoting,
another good idea would be for Orchid members to advise this forum about
their website addresses so that we can all visit each others sites and
then help each other with this very interesting work. By now we are all
looking forward to having popular website addresses, we will all benefit
enormously from such efforts. Best of luck with your superb ideas. Heather
Casey of Lyncre Pty Ltd. Australia. website address:
http://members.xoom.com/lyncre/site/pin1.htm or try:
http://www.users.bigpond.com/lyncre/go/pin1.htm We are suppliers of high
quality costume jewelry & collectable items