Dear Jewelers of Orchid
I am Tim Jolivet from Cleveland Ohio. Some of you know me from the
art fairs this year in the North East Ohio area. This was my first
season and I was very happy about getting into the great shows we
have here. Had a great time and met lots of very wonderful and
helpful people. Looking forward to the coming season.
I have been a subscriber to orchid now for few years now and have
found the and people here to be extremely helpful in my
starting and running of a home jewelry business. With the times the
way they are and everything getting more expensive to buy, run, and
pay for. I have taken a new part time job being a Utility Consultant
for Natural Gas
In doing so I have lowered my Natural Gas bill by 30%.
Here in Ohio I was paying $10.99 per MCF and have lowered it to a
true market value variable rate of $8.13 per MCF this has saved my
small jewelry studio over $350.00 a year.
I would like to offer to all Orchid Members my help in reducing your
Natural Gas Utility bill in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.
This would be applicable to Commercial users and Residential user of
Natural Gas. There are no contracts fees, termination fees or any
fees at all.
I will soon be able to offer excellent rates in New York. Virginia,
the Carolinas, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Illinois and Indiana
shortly. Will keep you up to date as to the progress.
You may contact me at and I like phone calls.