Workshop colours

Marilyn, how did you know how to describe my bench!!! I’ll
tell you a short story,…I never thought much of Joan Rivers
until I heard her following comment:(paraphrased a little)

"The worst thing about housework, dusting, making the beds,
cleaning the bathrooms, sinks, etc. is that you get all of it
done, and 6 months later, you have to do it all over again! "
That more or less describes my workbench, except that the 6
months keep getting longer and longer. Thank goodness I have
someone come and clean my house once a week… Happy Holidays
and Resplendant Resolutions everyone!!! Ruth doesn�t really matter very much what the color of my
bench is. I don�t see much of the surface anyway. I know that

I knooow! I’m like that, too.

Then one day my helper student (who’s Swiss) proposed to me that
she clear away my benchtop. It took her a few hours. It looks
super now. I can see whare there might have been a varnished

Afterwards I couldn’t find things. And I had to learn NEW WAYS.
Put tools away,put offcuts away, etc. I think it’ll last another
month :wink: … no I’m sure it’ll be good for me.

B r i a n � A d a m J e w e l l e r y E y e w e a r �
@Brian_Adam1 ph/fx +64 9 817 6816 NEW ZEALAND NEXT: Queenstown NZ Jan 13 1998 Ruth makes her jewellery alongside me

Marilyn, I certainly relate to that. I had to clean up my shop
in order to get two hood/vents installed (one over my new kiln,
and one over my workspace while I’m at it.) and it took 3 days -
what a mess! I can’t seem to work without making a big mess…oh
well some of us are just naturally unneat. Jan

Happy Holidays, I had to laugh . … Ruth, you sound like my
kind of person!!! H m m m, do you think we can convince the
"someone" to not only clean the house, but the workbench and area
around it too?? (WISHING!!!) ; ) doesnt really matter very much what the color of
my bench is. I dont see much of the surface anyway.

G’day; How many of us do? But I get an incentive to clear my
benches (I have three!) every so often. When they get really
scruffy my wife threatens to clean 'em whilst I’m out and then
I’d spend the next month trying to find everything. I’ve got good
at guessing when the axe will descend. Cheers

       / /    John Burgess, 
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     / //\    @John_Burgess2
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Hi Marilyn, I have the same problem. Clutter seems to have a
mind of it’s own and just stays on your bench however hard you
try to clean it up. Must have something to do with how creative
you are!! Richard W UK