Wire Weaving

I would like to start a thread on the techniques involved in
weaving wire. I suppose that if I had some experience with
weaving textiles, I would have more luck. I really like the
texture of woven wire, especially when applied in a
three-dimensional form. Can anybody provide some info on weaving
techniques?? I have produced a few 3-wire woven rings, but the
pattern is very sparse and spread out. I like density!! I like
substantial forms!! Can anybody suggest more complicated weaving
forms and possibly explain how they are accomplished??

Marshall T. Jones

<I really like the texture of woven wire, especially when applied in a
three-dimensional form.>

Marshall, I don’t know how to explain my techniques, but I
think I could come up with some illustrations. The core
technique creates a realy atractive rod, it sort of looks like
snake skin. If you untwist the rod of wire you get amazing flat
wovevin paterns. I have never been able to find this technique
in a book, I think it originated in Nepal or Tibet. Also have you
ever cheked out the book “Wire Art” By Jay Hartley Newman & Lee
Scott Newman? Wide Variaty of Application, including a few
illustrations on weaving. If Your interested in my technique I
will need a Maling adrees.


Many moons ago, before I got into jewelry fabrication, I spent
years as a basket weaver. I did weave in copper and fine silver.
I’ve done small baskets and square and rect. shapes. If you can
get a basic basket weaving book from the library start with a
simple twining and see how that goes. Also do expect the metal to
work harden, if no other materials are used, it can be annealed.
Best of luck. If anyone has additional questions, I’ll try to
answer (if I can!) Linda K @Red1Eagle