I just got jurried in to the Winedale Spring Festival and Txas
Crafts Exhibition in March. This is the first time in 30 years I
have done a craft show so look like something new for me. Anyone
ever done this show and got any comments or advice about
Windale…??? Frank Goss
My husband has done Windale - this is the third time consecutively.
It is a “Texas Artists Only” show I am surprised I do not recognize
your name since you are from Texas. What other shows here do you do?
It is a small show - no clothing, no Tshirts etc. It is a quality
show. Used to be more heavily attended by the public and more pub
licity is being used to try to get back our old clientele. It is
sponsored the the University of Texas. It is run by the artists -
shame you were not at the planning meeting held on the 17th of Jan (I
think it was) Because of the bad weather, there were only under 20
artists at the planning meeting. We are in hopes this year will be
better attended, as the old location ( believe it or not - only
across the road from the last two years or so while the historical
buildings were being renovated ) usually brought in more of the
public. A few years ago, it was an excellent show - considering the
very reasonable booth fee. Entertainment is very good