What could be done with the motor?

Hello Andy, Michael, et al,

I have gone to a few garage/yard/tag sales. It is not unusual to see
old sewing machines for $5-/$15 that still work. Should anyone want
to try this very interesting use for the old motor and foot pedal, it
wouldn’t cost too much. Although I don’t know pricing, Goodwill,
DAV, and Salvation Army thrift stores are another avenue… It occurs
to me that they may get in old machines that can’t be repaired, but
have good motors and foot pedals - maybe for cheap? Also try places
that repair sewing machines.

Just a thought,
Judy in Kansas

Greetings folks, I have had many requests for further details on my
motorized do it all gizmo. You can find a couple of fuzzy pic’s and
the basic details on a web site at.



Thanks for your time
Michael Turley