Orchid Circulation: 13,000 members!
Please welcome our newest members…
Mary McCarthy
Saint Paul, MN. USA
Hi, I’m Mary McCarthy and I just discovered Orchid. I am a new
business owner and new in the world of jewelry making although I
have been using my hands to create things for over 40 years since I
was 5 or 6 years old, trying to teach myself to knit. Jewelry making
has quickly become a passion. I am disabled and can no longer work in
corporations due to nearly constant pretty severe back pain, but I
find that I can work on jewelry for an hour or so, lay down and
rest, then work a bit more, etc. It is so much better than just
reading or watching tv all day.
I look forward to learning from others in the forum and hopefully
I’ll contribute some good things along the way too.
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