Please welcome our newest members!
Kimberly Jones
Tracys Landing, MD. USA
I am a studio jeweler working in primarily silver.
Joy Kruse
Timeless Essentials
Casco, WI. USA
I live in a very small town in rural Wisconsin. It has a population
of atleast 10,000 cows. Might be 1,000 cows per every person. Anyway
I started calling myself the “Accidental Jeweler.” I never had any
intention of doing repair work and I never knew the things I would
repair! Like maple syrup machine contraptions. Now I enjoy the
repairs as much as designing new pieces and enjoy the involvement I
have as a part of my small community. Learn - Learn - Learn - Always
something new.
Arturas Rudaitis
London. UK
I am a beginner jeweller…
Kenneth Melie
Sunland, USA
I am new to jewelry making, I have been wanting take the plunge for
years I and I finally decided to just do it! I am full of questions!
Brenan Lee Peterman
Concord, California. USA
I am a 16 year old high school and college student my first college
class was metal smithing/jewelry I enjoyed it and now make jewelry
when I can