Please welcome our newest members!
Diana Minevich
Dallas, TX. USA
Currently, I am an art consultant and spend my spare time working as
a wardrobe stylist. I also assist fashion show productions and local
designers. My ultimate goal is to design and produce jewelry. My
major in college was psychology and I minored in metalsmithing &
jewelry design. I have always wanted to have my own small studio and
hope to one day, but in the meantime I am seeking access to a
workbench/studio in the Dallas area. I am interested in anything
from casting and welding to resin and cold connections.
Jacob Smith
Lexington, KY. USA
I am an aspiring jeweler, any help you can give me is appreciated!
Susan M Houk
Ventura, CA. USA
I haven’t been “making” jewelry so much as stringing. I use
semi-precious stones, sterling, and occasionally vintage costume.
Started as a hobby but I’ve managed to sell quite a bit over the last
5 years. I also do repairs and “jury-rigging” - yes, jury-rigging,
when it works (nothing worse than someone else being able to tell
that’s what you’ve done). Otherwise I like to read, take our dog,
Louise, to the park, and have a small display case in an antique
mall, which is where I usually “hang” (my second family). Been in
Ventura for about 12 years, Santa Barbara the same, and we had a few
jaunts to Portland (great city - weather’s too depressing), and a
year in Eureka (too small).
Kathleen A Todd
KT & Company
Rye, CO. USA
I am a silversmith/designer.
Michael Keough
Carson, CA. USA
I am trying to look listen & learn… I’m just a beginner.
Ruta S. Murphy
Designs by Ruta
Milwaukee, WI. USA
After a couple of years of reading the Orchid Digest, I decided it
was finally time to join.
I started beading about 8 years ago but switched to working with
sterling about three years ago by taking a weekly workshop for
several semesters and slowly acquiring tools for my home studio.
NOw I work mostly from home with the ex ception of takinga workshop
here and there! For me it is a very slow learning curve since I have
a day job - but my studio is a great place to settle into when I can
find a few hours at a time.
I have learned so much by reading all that the members post - -
thanks to you all - hopefully I will be able to add worthwhile
to the posts as my experience increases (maybe I can add
more of what not to do - rather than how to do it - as I have also
learned much from my past mistakes).
THanks again to all who post here - I feel as if I know many of you