Please welcome our newest members!
Beckie Spake
Charleston, SC. USA
Jewelry importer
Trish Watzke
Elk River, MN. USA
I love to design jewelry. I love working with metal and look forward
to learning from this site.
Mithun Rao
Mumbai. India
My foray into the magical world of gems and jewellery began at a very
early age. Right from my childhood, gemstones had always fascinated
me. One and the most significant reason for me into jewelry business
is indeed, my family, whose roots have been embedded in this industry
for centuries. I becam e serious about taking up Gemology as a career
option around 7 years ago where I met my wife too :). I strongly
believe that if we pursue our dreams persistently, one day they will
be realized. Till then I would like to treasure every moment of my
life and cherish every occasion. Life, after all, i s nothing but a