Orchid Circulation: 11,500 members!
Please welcome our newest members…
Chloe Youm
Atlanta, GA. USA
Hi! My name is Chloe and I’m just starting to sell my handmade silver
jewelry at siliceajewelry.com. I make simple, elegant handmade
silver jewelry. After many trials and errors I finally have
something legit to start my career in. I’m hoping to learn how to
promote my own business and start having my business keep flowing.
Although It’s pretty slow right now, I’m keeping busy with building
up blog posts, etsy friends, and just throwing my name out there.
Even without the income flowing, I’m very satisfied with what I
have! Hope to learn lots and also to give what I can. -Chloe
Charlie Omen
Omen Studios
Tucson, AZ. USA
Just a crazy old bench jeweler trying to keep pace with technology.
Bruce Marshall
Marshall Jewelry
Gillette, Wy. USA
My wife and I own Marshall Jewelry. We managed the store for 10
years and then bought it 14 years ago. I’m a GIA GG and have a
Bachelor’s in Geology. I’m a bit of a rockhound which helped get us
into the jewelry industry. Went to the Jewelry arts program in Paris
Tx about 27 years ago, so its been a while. Still do a little bench
work as needed. I started faceting about 30 years ago, although I
don’t do as much as I used to.