Please welcome our newest members!
Debra Smith
Golden Silver Dreams
Fernandina Beach, Florida. USA
I love learning anything and everything about jewelry and metal
working and this website is the place to be!!! Thanks for letting it
be an open website for learning.
Celeste Kreisler
San Diego, CA. USA
I am a housewife interested in diversified art and yoga health.
Sabra Tawana Sowell-Lovejoy
Sabra sowell-lovejoy
Ojo Sarco, NM, USA
I’m a studio jeweler and sculptor with an M.F.A. in sculpture from
the University of New Mexico. I’m an adjunct faculty member of UNM
in Taos, NM. My work involves any technique and or material that I
find useful. I strive to make work that appears spontaneous and
appears to have generated itself in the process of interacting with
the natural world.
Joan Adria DAmico
Croton on Hudson, NY. USA
Hi. I’m a collector of vintage jewelry and have many family
treasures in need of repair. I’m reluctant to touch them without
knowing more about proper handling. Glad to be here. Joan
Angela Gosnell
Close to the Bone
London, UK
I started my UK-based company a couple of years ago and most of the
jewelry I make involves the use of experimental components such as
resin and Perspex.
Terry Brake
Diamond, OH. USA
BFA in Craft, Enameling Emphasis from Kent State University married,
grandmother to 2 small boys, work full time in non-art related
industry as an electronics technician, health-care. Recreational use
of my art has greatly increased, and wish to learn more metalsmithing
as my time and resources allow. My own home studio was built on our
property, and interior finished by a loving spouse, so now I have a
space to work. 30+ years away from enameling has left me to brush up
my skills, and delighted to learn new ones, and new ways of working
on old ones. I have sold a very few handcrafted items, and learning
metal clay from a working metalsmith opens up a new way of working in
silver for enamels to complement.