Orchid Circulation: 10,500 members!
Please welcome our newest members…
Patti Anne Skonicki
Magic Fire Beads
Ferguson, Missouri. USA
I am a teacher/librarian, but in my spare time I am a lampworker and
jewelry artist. I have been lampworking for almost 10 years. I began
playing with metal a few years ago. I enjoy wire-wrapping, making
chain maille and silversmithing. Lately I have been learning etching
and enameling.
Laura Simmons
Helmond, Netherlands
I’m an Irish gal living in netherlands with a passion for all things
silver. i started Jewellery making by beading, moved quickly into
chainmaille and most recently working with metal clays. I am very
much a novice at jewellery making with a huge imagination and now i
just need the skills to go with!
Julie Ruhnke
Jayelle Jewelry
Tucson, Arizona. USA
I am a silver/metalsmith continuing to learn new techniques and tips
to improve my jewelry making. Currently taking classes that help me
to expand my knowledge and network with like minded individuals.
Originally from Cedarburg Wisconsin and studied with Terri McCarthy
at her studio, now for the past two years live in Tucson with my
Bill Pang
Guangzhou, China
I just join the jewelry making industry.