[Welcome] New Members for December 26, 2008

Please welcome our newest members!

Janeen Zim
San jose, CA. USA

I Love to watch Jewelry and also interested in anything related
jewelry and ornament

Dixie Summers
Burley, Idaho. USA

I am fairly new at jewelry making. At first I was a little
overwhelmed by all the different avenues that one can take, but now I
want to learn them all. I was raised by two “rockhounds” but I am
just now learning how to run the saws, grinders, polishers, etc…
and I am also trying to learn metal smithing, PMC, Polymer, cold
connections, glass lampworking,… When I see a stone I like, I want
to be able to take it from the raw state and make a completed piece
of jewelry. I might like one cabachon in a plan metal setting, the
next one needs to have a different media with it! It’s confusing
trying to learn everything basically at the same time, but so far
things are working out for me. I find I have certain problems arise
and I feel like I spend hours on the internet trying to find answers.
I hope this website will help!