Wax technique tip

I do a lot of wax work usually using an injection wax to do build

If I’m doing, as I am now, a special model, my preferred wax is
purple hard wax. If one uses various grits of sandpaper you always
leave scratch marks, finer and finer, but none the less scratch

After I rough out the model and when I’m getting down to the
finished product; I use nephrite scrapers: Cut- offs, little pieces
that are left overs from some lapidary job.

Nephrite may be the toughest stone there is. These pieces are less
than a mm thick. I’m also a lapidary so I have stone cutting
equipment to shape the scrapers. I have flat scrapers, concave
scrapers, and convex scrapers of various sizes. They leave a finish
smoother than a baby’s bum.