Watch repair school

Hello all,

I am looking for inf. relating to watch repair schools mostly for the
higher end items. Rolex ect

Thanks in advance

Hi Dan,

I am the chairman of the Advisory Committee for Oklahoma State
University Watch Repair Program, and a graduate of the program, which
is heavily supported by Rolex and other high end Swiss companies. The
cirriculum is identical to the training given in Switzerland by the
Watchmakers of Switzerland Training and Education Program (WOSTEP).
This school has a website: The
Advisory Committee also has a scholarship program that is fantastic,
among other financial aids.

The same program can be had at the American Watchmakers Institute in
Harrison, Ohio. They also have a website: You want to inquire about the
Academy of Watchmaking.

There are other schools, but, since my goal was to only work with
extreme high grade and complicated watches, I believe these two
schools are the best choice in the USA.

Best regards for a fascinating future,

Jon W. Horton Certified Master Watchmaker
American Watchmakers Institute

Hello Everyone,

For watchmaking schools Here in the U.S. there are two organizations
that can help you. AWI American watchmakers Institute and NAWCC North
American Watch and Clock Collectors Association

AWI had a list in there magazine several months ago, but I can’t find
it. I would recommend any school that teaches the Swiss WOSTEP
program. You may want to contact Rolex directly if you work at a Rolex
Official Jeweler. They are opening a new school in Lancaster, PA. It
is not open to the public, and is for High grade watches
specifically. You may contact me off list if you have specific

Good Luck,

Scott Anderson

Dan, Watch repair is very much like life, you have to learn to run
before you can walk. I qualified in 1988 from the Irish Swiss Institute
of Horology, there were 10 students in my year and the course was full
time and lasted for 3 years. Of the 10, 7 now own their own businesses
and 2 work for Rolex, 1 guy gave up straight away and went into
electronics and now works for Intel. We started by making our own
tools ( first 3 months ) and then we were let loose on clocks, it
wasn’t until the second year that we got near a watch. we started on
pocket watches and worked our way down to smaller movements, then to
automatics, day-dates,chronographs, etc. then we learned how to make
parts everything from screws to balance staffs and hairsprings. There
is a lot to learn and it takes time and patience to develop the "
touch ".

My advice would be , to seek out a full time course, but don’t expect
to be given a Rolex to work on for quite a while.

Best of Luck in your quest

Neil KilBane

Hello Dan: If you are already a watchmaker then Rolex will train you.
If you are not then I recommend Paris jr. college in Paris Texas, for
your training. I know the guy at Rolex in Dallas,Tx. And I know the
instructor at Paris jr. college. Let me know If I can help.

Michael R. Mathews Sr.

Hello Dan: If you are already a watchmaker then Rolex will train you.
If you are not then I recommend Paris jr. college in Paris Texas, for
your training. I know the guy at Rolex in Dallas,Tx. And I know the
instructor at Paris jr. college. Let me know If I can help.

Michael R. Mathews Sr.

Hello Dan: If you are already a watchmaker then Rolex will train you.
If you are not then I recommend Paris jr. college in Paris Texas, for
your training. I know the guy at Rolex in Dallas,Tx. And I know the
instructor at Paris jr. college. Let me know If I can help.

Michael R. Mathews Sr.

Dear Dan: The best school I know of is in Paris, TX which is Paris
Junior College which has an intense schedule but you know your stuff
when you graduate. This school has the reputation that an employment
is almost guaranteed when you graduate. Call for the
You will not be disappointed. Pat

St Paul Technical College has a watch and clock program offering
Certificates, Diplomas and an Associates Degree. The instructor Joe
Juare has some kind of Swiss Certification

Todd Hawkinson

Dan, There ARE only a few AWI and WOSTEP watch repair schools in the
nation. One of the best kept secrets is OSU-Okmulgee. The Instructor
is Wit Jarowkowski. Call him @ 918-293-5180 or e-mail He will send you info about the program. He
will also, if needed, get you in touch with very successful previous

You might also want to contact Dan Gendron at

Tell him I sent you.
