Voc Rehab and Employment


I am doing my market research as part of my vocational
rehabilitation. They want me to show that there are jobs out there
in the jewelry industry before they train me at American Jewelers’
Institute. If you have hired someone in the last 6 months, or plan
to hire someone in the next 6 minths, please send me the number of
people you hired or plan to hire, and the State in which you are
located. No other need be included. Thanks everyone.

Katheryne B. Klamp

Voc Rehab is paying for your training, and they want a survey of
employment rate?

All you need to do is tell them this is your field of interest not
theirs. And while your at it when you want to think of getting
hired, just think of what an employer would like to see on your
resume. Will you have percentage rate for your course? Did you
complete your assingment on time ,or did you need more time to

They are not responsible for what you plan to do with your life.
Just helping you get started. You’re in control from that point on.

Just remember if you have no prior experience “Don’t give up!” This
is a very demanding feild , and everyone wants perfection. There is
a ton of satisfaction in this job from, pleasing yourself, and
others.Or money if that is what you are becoming a jeweler for. Just
don’t expect it for a while.

Sorry, You should also take a look a Alan Revere’s comment on 7/22
about apprenticeship opportunity. He is a very well known goldsmith
with a school of his own in San Fran., CA.

I am not sure about what state this is in. In Ohio, they want to see
some kind of track record, a business plan and some sort of
financial projections. The business end of this is really easy, you
can use the financial templates at the SCORE website.

http://www.score.org/business_toolbox.html and
Business Planning & Financial Statements Template Gallery

Plus some sort of market plan helps a lot, doesn’t have to be too
complex, like showing examples of things that have sold on ebay or
that you have stores that take your work on commission. I have
worked with 4 people who do metal jewelry here in Ohio to develop
their plans. One got $40,000 in equipment, one got about $5,000 in
equipment and the other two went to some kind of schooling.

Hope this helps someone out there,