Video teaching soldering processes

What video do you suggest to learn soldering processes? Hands on
learning is not possible where I live. I have studied many books that
you all have suggested and would like to have a visual teacher before
I start soldering. Ilene

Check out the Rio Grande catalogue, (call 1-800-545-6566 if you need
a copy of their Tools & Equipment) There are video’s by Alan Revere,
Tim McCreight, and also The Complete Repair Jeweler featuring Ed
Friedman and Marian Macy shows close up soldering. Hope this helps

Solder on
Marta in rainy Sacramento

The “Revere on Goldsmithing” videos will be very helpful to you if you
don’t have the availability of hands on instruction.

They are available individually or as a set, directly from the Revere

Contact the academy for their brochure and consider taking a class
there when you are able to do so, you will profit greatly from the

Best of luck,
Michael David Sturlin, jewelry artist @Michael_David_Sturli

Ilene, You might want to look at the Rio Grande Tools & Equipment
catalog. The video Basic Soldering Technics (stock # 560-017) is a
very helpful starting point and I would recommend it to you before you
get going! Good luck and have fun! Joe