There are scores of COMPOUNDS (not alloys) of the seven platinum
group elements which makes PGE very different from gold.
Are there any jewellers here who have found uses for any of these
There are scores of COMPOUNDS (not alloys) of the seven platinum
group elements which makes PGE very different from gold.
Are there any jewellers here who have found uses for any of these
Cross post from yahoo group removed.
please don’t cross post. Hanuman
Don’t you think there might be thousands of unidentified crystals in
the Earth crust, formed by conditions of temperature and pressure
which we have never simulated in the lab?
Next question: What does future crystallography mean for future
When jewellers cut diamonds, emeralds, rubies and sapphires, they
faces which are typically flat and meet other faces at angles rather
than arcs. What they are doing is immitating natural crystal faces.
But who can match the natural beauty of perfect crystals? Perhaps
future jewelry will do that.
What if we could for example, grow the scores of different crystals
which are known to form from chemical bonds with the seven platinum
group elements? How would they look, set in jewelry?
The first Re mineral crystal was not found until 1994, ie ReS2.
But who can match the natural beauty of perfect crystals? Perhaps future jewelry will do that.
This is not on a subject but worth mentioning. I had a client about
a year ago, who wanted and ring with large alexandrite of good colour
change. After explaining to him that stone that he was looking for
may take some time to find, and when found probably would be
prohibitively expensive, he settled on lab-grown. In good color
change they are not cheap either. What surprised me is that the
stone was perfect by all measurable criteria, but it looked boring.
Color, transparency, cut, all was there. Overall, it just did not had
any life in it. So the answer to the above would “almost anything
slightly imperfect”.
Leonid Surpin