A great suggestion, Jim! The problem, however, is locating used
equipment. I have been hunting for stuff for several years,
with limited success. Any suggestions of sources (from anyone)
would be helpful.
I did come across a guy in CA who was retiring and selling his
business. I bought a bunch of stuff, including a big
professional buffer. He is now in the process of relocating to
the east coast and indicates he has a bunch more “stuff” he
uncovered. When he re-establishes his Web site I’ll let everyone
Yes, The suggestion is to be and have patience from Christmas to
Christmas! At least here, businesses tend to 'hang in there’
until just after Christmas, which makes ‘much’ sense if you
think about it!
Sooooooo in November, and all during the year, you stay in
contact with ur local wholesalers who are interested in making a
couple of bucks handling 2nd hand ‘stuff’. They know who is
giving up ‘ghost’ in the business. Have picked up many GREAT
deals, like so!.. PATIENCE MY FRIEND!
Where in Ca is that guy located, with equipment to sell? I’m
looking for an air compressor, and assorted other gadgets, etc.
Perhaps you can e-mail me his phone number or address, or I’ll
give you mine, so he can call me. I live in Los Angeles.
He is (or was) located in Oakland. As I mentioned, he is in the
process of relocating to the east coast, and is literally
packing up anything he’s got left. In fact, he may actually be
on the road at this time. He has generally conducted business
through a Web site and UPS. He indicated he will update his Web
site upon his settling in Maryland. He didn’t really give an
indication of what the new stuff was that he uncovered, but I
recall he had quite a bit of mold making equipment and various
hand tools left. I’ll let you know as soon as I hear that he is
"open for business" again.