Since the topics of booth design and slides come up not infrequently
on this list, I thought I would share this workshop opportunity:
From the Indianapolis Art Center newsletter, Sketchbook:
Bruce Baker “Business of Art Fairs” Sminars at the Art Center
The Art Center is please to welcome nationally known Craft Marketing
expert Bruce Baker for a 2-day marketing seminar April 3 and 4,
2004, in the Frank M. Basile Auditorium. Baker writers for The
Crafts Report and is known as a dynamic presenter of He
travels to present his seminars designed to help artists boost art
fair sales and knowledge.
On Saturday, April 3, the topic will be Booth Design and
Construction. The workshop will be from 10 am to 6 pm and is for
all levels of artists/craftspeople who want to desing a a more
efficient and effective display for craft or tradeshow marketing.
Baker will discuss how to create a space that is attractive,
functional, lightweight and modular. Proper lighting systems will
be covered and an extensive slide presentation will be given that
clarifies all points of this workshop and shows cutting edge booth
design, plus critiques commercially available display systems.
On Sunday, April 4, starting at noon, Baker will discuss the
importance of good slides and photographic images of artwork int he
workshop Slides and the Jury Process. He will demonstrate the use
of interesting and appropriate backgrounds, as well as proper
framing and light of slides. Following this, there will be a mock
jury of slides. Slides will be projected and used to troubleshoot
common errors that craftspeople commit when apply to juried shows.
The jury process and philosophy are discussed at length so
applicants can gain acceptance into nationally juried shows. At the
end of the discussion, participants can see their own slides as a
jury would see them. Using the same format as a jury, the slides
are viewed twice. Each participant with slides being reviewed will
receive a written evaluation from every person attending the
workshop. Be sure to register for this packed weekend
by contacting the Art Center at (317) 255-2464.
The Business of Art Fairs
Featuring Bruce Baker
Indianapolis Art Center
One Day -- members $45. Non members $50
Both days -- members $75. Non members $80.
Elaine’s note: I took these workshops with Bruce years ago and
recommend them highly. Hotels are reasonably price in Indianapolis,
it’s well worth it.