Tufa sources

I would like to try casting a piece using carved Tufa. Can anyone suggest a good source for Tufa? Thanks…Rob

Hi Rob, Thunderbird Jewelry Supply here in Sunny Albuquerque carries it. Always wanted to try. Let me know how it works! Also if the link works :wink:
Their website is still pretty old school and probably most of their trade is in person.


Thanks! I will take a look…Rob

Way back when. 1990-something I think? I wanted to try tufa stone casting. Tufa stone was way harder to find than I guessed it would be. As far as I know, Thunderbird is the only supplier who sells it for jewelry casting. At least, I couldn’t find another source.

A while back ago, I asked a Navajo jeweler that I met at a jewelry conference in Albuquerque where he got his tufa stone. He said it was a secret and couldn’t tell anyone.

Have fun Rob! It’s messy.


Thunderbird has it. Just ordered a piece last month. Call them and theyll get you whatyou need, but be patient
