Okay, guys and gals, let’s decide on a date to meet in Tucson.
For anyone who may have missed previous posts, several members of Orchid
Forum will be at the Gem & Mineral Show next year, so we plan to get together
over dinner. Everyone is invited, including Jim Chambers, even though he
tries to make the rest of us feel guilty about going!
Looking at the dates in Lapidary Journal, it appears that the Jump Start Gem
Trade Show will be Jan. 26-30 and most other shows begin Jan. 27 and run
through Feb. 8 or 9. Assuming this is correct, when do we want to meet? I
am totally flexible and will set my schedule to fit everyone else’s, but I
need someone to commit to a date!!!
So far, I have the following listed as planning to meet:
Susan C.
Dave Arens
David Horn
Either Joan or June (Sorry, I got confused on that posting. Please clarify.)
And Me!
We are eager to add more names to the list. Dave Arens has offered to pick
us out a good place to meet. So, as they say here in Texas, “Y’ ll come!”
Candy Glaze