Hello! I am a new enameler and today have been tearing my hair out
trying to put scalex on the back of three small copper findings
without getting it all over the front too. First of all the scalex is
runny and lumpy even after my stirring it for what seems like an hour.
So that when I paint the metal, the stuff runs down and gets on the
front too. What am I doing wrong? Thanks! I hope someone knows a
better way to do this. Gwyn
Hallo Gwyn, If your scalex is really runny after thoroughly stirring,
allow a small quantity to evaporate in a warm place until it is a
little thicker. Then paint on thinly and dry on top of the warm kiln
before turning over. If it’s really fiddly perhaps a hair-dryer would
do the trick! Simply wipe off any that has managed to get on the front
with a damp cloth.
Good luck, Jenny Gore.
Scalex is runny and lumpy even after stirring; runs down and gets on the front too.
Gwen, the Scalex should be the consistancy of very heavy cream and
shouldn’t run at all. Take out a couple of tablespoons and put in a
bowl or mortar and pestle, get the lumps out, let the liquid
evaporate off a bit and try again. Your metal must be clean and
degreased before the Scalex will stick.
Do you really need to use the scalex? What I’ve usually done is put
the counter enamel on the back, fire it, then clean the front well
with abrasive and proceed. Or reverse the process- I do the counter
first on small round things, since it adds a bit of a dome which I
If you really must use the scalex, maybe leaving it uncovered and
allowing some of the water to evaporate would help, but that’s just a
guess. I don’t mind the manual cleaning, myself.
-Amanda Fisher
Scalex is runny and lumpy even after stirring; runs down and gets on the front too.
Using a wire whip or an immersion blender, both of which are kitchen
“tools,” work very well to remix Scalex as well as other enamel
products that separate. Alana Clearlake