Training in northern NJ

    I am happy to speak with anyone interested in discussing
anything about the jewelry trade especially training for skill
development and our exceptional classes here at New Approach, but
also enameling, metalsmithing, and anything about colored stones. 
Henry Rowe 

Hello, Henry - - thank you for offering your knowledge! I have a
question about training - - I live in northern NJ and I’m not able to
travel or move to VA or CA or MA to attend one of the great training
programs in those states. About a year ago I completed a 6 month
intensive training program in NYC which has given me a wide set of
skills but still at the beginner level. Since then I’ve been working
on my own but I feel that I would make better progress if I could get
more solid training from a good program. Can you recommend a program
in my area? Or would it be better for me to try to find an
apprenticeship with a jeweler here? (And how do I go about doing

Thank you for your thoughts!