Traditional bench -vs- Modern bench

I use the traditional table (bench) to manufacture gold jewelry
where workers have to sit down on the floor and surround the tables.
Rest is the same. They have a leather apron…, The V-Pin etc. Is
it advantageous to shift to a modern bench.

Rahul Rampuria

I use the traditional table (bench) to manufacture gold jewelry
where workers have to sit down on the floor and surround the
tables. Rest is the same. They have a leather apron...., The V-Pin
etc. Is it advantageous to shift to a modern bench. 

Hello Rahul… I have worked with both style benches. I used to work
silver in Gujarat outside of Bhuj and can see no advantage whatsoever
with the modern style upright benches. It is really just a matter of
personal preference. Just as the Asian style toilet is no better
than the western throne style toilet; the same with benches (I
actually find the Asian style more hygienic but thats another
conversation). With a western style modern bench one is very far
from the floor and ultimately something is going to be dropped. We
have all spent cumulative hours on the floor looking for dropped
things. With traditional benches things don’t get so far away when
dropped from such a lesser height. The desk top or workspace is
greatly increased as one can put tools on the floor around them. I
do however find a significant advantage to working barefoot that is
not available with a western modern bench. For small adjustments
holding a ring mandrel in your toes really helps. It is like having
an extra set of extremities to work with. Holding a mandrel in a
small vise or hole in the modern bench does not allow as much control
or sensitivity and holding it with your foot. I do find back support
an important factor with the traditional on the floor bench; I like
having my back up against the wall. All that having been said I must
also relate that here in the States I generally use a modern bench
and keep my shoes on.

Good Luck.

Mark Kaplan
Providence, Rhode Island USA