[Tidbits] Winged Ibex

This winged golden fellow emanates from the Achaemenid period during
a time of classical antiquity ending around 330 BC which was about
when a Macedonian chap by the name of Alexander-the-Great (Alex to
those of us on speaking terms) began his dynamic quest to conquer
Persia. Student of Aristotle … Alex was a lover of women, men, and
boys–back in them thar days this was a practice happily accepted by
the Macedonian culture–as well as an aspirer to be a conqueror of
nations and ruler of the largest empire of the ancient world.

All this my friends. to introduce a goat. Well. an Ibex if you will.
an ancient name from an ancient culture for a wild goat. symbol of
sexual prowess and vitality and unending energy.
Quaint–methinks–that this winged beastie should arise up and out
through the muck of mythology during that time parallel to Alex’s
quest for greatness. Co-incidence? Or grand design by the Emir of
Malarkey whom–it is rumored–roams the earth to this very day
searching for hapless adherents wallowing in the mire of their
misery while praying for succor.

I for one. knoweth not other than to opine that the Emir of Malarkey
ruled the powerful world of Mythology with and iron-winged fist. One
can but wonder if our Ibex gleaned his powers from his maker and if
his maker was his creator or if he was the creator of his maker.
Mythology holds many secrets… and is surely a wonder to behold for
the educated mind of modern man.

Ibex–back then–lived in the remote mountainous areas of Central
Asia which was also the abode of Persian Barons whom Alex had to
fight or charm into submission. One can but extrapolate the site of
an unfulfilled Baron roaming his lands… . looking for something
which would elevate him to a state of blathering envy among his
peers. And then. glancing over his shoulder. suddenly espying a
winged Ibex in the hills… fornicating his brains out with a random
she-goat. Oh my oh my, our Baron surely thought. One of those in gold
would surely do the trick.

And so he called upon his most skilled jeweler–I blush to even
mention his name-- and said unto him: Benedictus. maketh me post
haste a golden replica of such winged Ibex over yonder but leave out
his vivacious partner for our people are not yet ready to view the
carnal rompings of this randy fellow.

And Benedictus bowed. and told the Baron that his wish was his
command. and in the manner most befitting the extreme talents of this
Persian metalsmith with the Latin name… Benedictus began his labors
and when he finished his labors he presented to the Baron his golden
winged ibex and the Baron was pleased and presented to Benedictus a
sack-full of gold which he had plundered on another occasion and
which was surely worth about five hundred dollars in today’s money.
Benedictus smiled and asked the Baron–as one last favor–if his most
revered eminence would be kind enough to allow his name (Benedictus)
to be used in future ezines about the golden winged ibex. in order to
assure his immortality. And the Baron acquiesced. and said he would.
and he did. And the golden ibex became known hither and thither as a
piece of jewelry despite lamentations and protestations by a populace
that knew not their lasses from a bloke on the wall.

And hereby ends my tale. As you all can see. I have returned …
fingers blazing on an ancient keyboard. fulfilling my promise to
bring you a tad more than an everyday piddling Tidbits. I hope I have
done my promise justice.

And now. ta-dumm… you know the rest. The visit to the image. also
known as the viewing experience. You know where. Home page.
http://www.tyler-adam.com. Scroll down. Left side. Tidbits. Click.
And there for your sensory optic pleasure you will see an image
golden winged ibex of ancient times.

And there ya have it. That’s it for this week folks. Catch you all
next week. Benjamin
