[Tidbits] The Tit Amulet

Well it was really a matter of choice. Which would you have picked
among the following? Tjet, Tyet, Tet, Tit, Tat, That, and Thet. Of
course you would. Who wouldnt? So. you are probably asking
yourselves hey just what is a Tjet, Tyet, Tet, Tit, Tat, That, and
Thet? It is dear souls an amulet. It is a Tjet, Tyet, Tet, Tit, Tat,
That, and Thet amulet. Or. a Tit Amulet for short.

It is quite a famous amulet you know. It is an ancient Egyptian
symbol of the goddess Isis. It is said by those who say these things
that the Tit looks bit like an Ankh except with the arms turned
down. If you look carefully you can see where they are right. This is
rare because over the years I have found that they are almost never
right. They for the most part dont know what theyre talking about.
This Tyet–Im going to take a more civilized view here–is also
known as the Knot of Isis as it resembles somewhat the knot used to
secure the Gods robes. Tyet also means life. It also means the blood
of Isis. It is also speculated to mean the menstrual flow from Isis
womb and along with that its magical properties.

Now we are getting into the nitty gritty of things. The Tyet is
mentioned in the 156th spell for the Book of the Dead. Among the
things mentioned in the spell is a reference to its protective
powers which will repel anyone who would perform a criminal act
against the wearer…

I say take the amulet dip in it Isis menstrual blood and wear it
around your neck. I tend to feel the magical properties will work and
even the most hardened criminal will shy away from mauling you
senseless. There is also an interpretation which suggests the Tyet
also represents the genitals of Isis. Ah those Egyptians did seem
indeed to be a debauched group.

The Tyet was also used to decorate the walls and columns of Egyptian
temples as well as being an intrinsic part of burial ceremonies
including the decoration of sarcophagi and shrines. Lest there are
thems amongst you wot think this is a frivolous doodad with little
beauty to recommend it to the average elitist who would never deign
to wear something she deemed to below her dignity I urge you to
rethink your thinking.

This Tyet is a beauty. I am having trouble finding out just what it
is made of but I am suspecting something in the glazed pottery
family. In any case the blue part is the blue part the reddish part
is symbolic of Isis blood. Psst. Hey. Dracula. Over here pal.

So you know the rest. The visit to the image. also known as the
viewing experience. You know where. Home page.
http://www.tyler-adam.com. Scroll down. Left side. Tidbits. Click.
And there for your sensory optic pleasure you will see an image of
Tyet also known as Tit.

And there ya have it. That’s it for this week folks. Catch you all
next week.

Benjamin Mark