The big screen

Thank you John and Lisa,

I don’t think I’ll ever get proper permission to use a pic in my
marketing. Brick walls left and right. However, there is nothing

stopping me from telling people that it was used in a certain movie,
is there!


“Doc Hollywood” with Michel J. Fox was filmed here in Gainesville
Florida. There were pictures and references in stores all over town
that had done anything for them. Dry cleaners, restaurants,
mechanics, alteration shops, gas stations, on and on. There were
pictures and articles in the paper about everyone involved. Most of
the scenes were shot in Micanopy where everyone there uses it to
promote themselves to this day. The local paper wanted to do an
article on my involvement. They got nothing but cooperation from
"Warner Brothers." As a matter of fact, I would call your paper and
tell them about your ring. You would be surprised how much business
it would bring. Movie Companies work very hard on good relations in
the towns they shoot in.

Again, they didn’t pay you to design for them. They bought your
design. Use it to your advantage. I certainly would.
