The Art of Fine Enameling - new enameling book

Announcing a new book on enameling - The Art of Fine Enameling
by Karen L. Cohen
ISBN #: 0-8069-7869-4; Cost: $24.95

This book includes 160 pages of enameling basics, tips and tricks,
projects with step by step photos of 21 traditional and contemporary
enameling techniques, over 170 photos of finished enamels from 71
contemporary enamelists, and a comprehensive trouble shooting
section. Printed in full color on glossy pages and hard bound.
Publication time is Fall 2002. Published by Sterling Publishing Co.,
Inc. New York - A Sterling/Chapelle Book.

A great coffee table book, technical help book and source for just
learning how a particular technique is done.

See for an overview including a
Table of Contents, pictures of the project pieces and more