Hello Orchidians,
I need to express my thanks for this forum and the good tips found
here. Also a very large amount of gratitude to Hanuman, plus a
check for keeping Orchid going will be in the mail soon!
#1. After reading about the water soluble buffing and polishing
compounds, I bought some and new wheels for their use. Thank you,
THANK YOU ! So much easier to clean up. Almost (!) don’t need the
ultra-sonic, and the compounds work as well (maybe even better) as
the wax-based ones.
#2. Someone (bless you) advised putting a piece of carpet (or
similar thin cushion) under the buffing wheel. I’ve done this, and
it’s already saved my “hide” a few times. You know the
gut-wrenching feeling. That delicate setting or carefully shaped
dome is ripped from your hand and flies into the unforgiving surface
of the buffer. It’s such a relief to retrieve the piece without
That all. Just add my deep gratitude to you all for the open,
willing sharing of Judy in Kansas
Judy M. Willingham, R.S.
Biological and Agricultural Engineering
237 Seaton Hall
Kansas State University
Manhattan KS 66506
(785) 532-2936