Teaching Gemstone Setting

I have just taken on a student who wants to learn this great profession. Today was his first session taken at my home/office. Already I gave him some homework, that is to read the topics on the work we’ve covered so far today!
My new motto is, “read the topics in my blog, if you don’t, you won’t learn Gemstone setting!”

My dear friendly Orchid & Ganoksin readers, you too can access this blog (at no charge)

Next Monday we will cover the new topics on Onglette graver shaping and polishing the steel!

In the following dates, his homework is to get familiar with each new subject.

In my previous years of teaching, many of my students complained that there weren’t any essays for them to read. After 127 essays being written, no one can complain!

I told my student to print all of the essays, I’m aiming for another ‘23 more topics’.
I want to thank “Ganoksin” for the opportunity in allowing me to share this information.


Gerry, on my iPhone

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