SV: Polishing rig

Hi Nancy, (sorry about the delay - I’ve been away for a few days

  • hard to recap everything) I had no real idea how I should take
    care of the dust (rouge) and the only obvious way was to use an
    old vacuum cleaner i mounted under the table - some tubing up to
    the polishing motor . It works but it is to noisy and it will be
    hard to refine the vacuum cleaner bags??

It will do for some time but I suspect there is better ways… A
dedicated lamp would also improve the setup.

R G D S Lars Dahlberg/Sweden

Nancy, the scanner will be (?) (or in fact a nearby pc / mac /
workstation) equiped with some scanning software and hopefully
someone living to ask for help… Anyway scan the drawings into
the computer (software dependant) and store it on a floppy in
TIFF, GIF, JPEG …etc… format (pick one - there are a number
of converting progs out there)

Hopefully your e-mail software is capable of sending enclosures

  • send a mail to me (and others being interested) off-list as I
    suspect that the ORCHID server might strip mails from

Lars Dahlberg