Need your help on a Quick 11 question survey on Customer Designing
As you may know my store was big in shop work. I’m helping a company
plan out their custom design strategy and I thought I’d ask some
questions from you out there. Please just hit reply to this email
with your answers. I will email out in a couple of days the answers I
received in total.
Custom design I believe will be the saving grace for many jewelers
in 2008.
David Geller
Place an “X” next to your answer. If you want to write your own
answer, just add a line under the last number in that group. Many
What is your definition of custom design?
( ) 1. Order a mounting and install stones into it.
( ) 2. Order small parts and assemble (a shank, heads and solder
( ) 3. Take a mounting from the case and alter it to fit.
( ) 4. Draw a sketch and send to an outside shop.
( ) 5. Carve a wax from scratch, cast and assemble.
( ) 6. Use CAD/CAM, cast and assemble.
Do you assemble or manufacture in house?
( ) 1. Yes
( ) 2. No
( ) 3. We do some in house and really tough jobs get sent out.
Answer if you send your work out. If you send your custom design out
and you send them a “sketch” to work from (or picture):
( ) 1. My outside shop fabricates from metal only
( ) 2. My outside shop carves a wax by hand
( ) 3. My outside shop uses CAD/CAM to cut the wax.
In sending your custom design out or done in house, what markup is
your goal? (cost times a number)
( ) 1. Keystone (times 2)
( ) 2. Times 2.25
( ) 3. Times 2.5
( ) 4. Times 2.75
( ) 5. 3 times or more
Does your store have a cad/cad system now?
( ) 1. Yes
( ) 2. No
Do you plan to get your own?
( ) 1. Yes
( ) 2. No
If you do plan to get one, when?
( ) 1. 2007
( ) 2. 2008
( ) 3. 2-5 years
( ) 4. I only wish
( ) 5. No desire to own one.
What percentage of your total store revenue is shop sales (repairs &
custom combined)?
( ) 1. 0-10%
( ) 2. 11-20%
( ) 3. 21-30%
( ) 4. 31-40%
( ) 5. 41-60%
( ) 6. 61-75%
( ) 7. Over 75%
What percentage of your shop sales are from custom design only?
( ) 1. 0-10%
( ) 2. 11-20%
( ) 3. 21-30%
( ) 4. 31-40%
( ) 5. 41-60%
( ) 6. 61-75%
( ) 7. Over 75%
How many customer orders do you typically do in a month?
( ) 1. 0-3
( ) 2. 4-6
( ) 3. 7-9
( ) 4. 10-13
( ) 5. Over 13
What is your average custom design sale?
( ) 1. $100 - $750
( ) 2. $751 - $1000
( ) 3. $1000 - $2000
( ) 4. $2001 - $3000
( ) 5. $3001 - $4000
( ) 6. Over $4001