Doesn’t sound so good for the home team. My best suggestion is to
clean it all off, and start over. If you can, or the stones to be
set are not porous, or dyed, or pearls, I would soak the pieces in
rubbing alcohol to remove the old epoxy, and clean it off. This can
some times take a few days. I just use an old jar, put in the
rubbing alcohol, close the lid, and put it to the side. Check it
every day. The old epoxy should become like jelly, and dissolve.
Kinda weird, but it works.
Make sure to dry your items, once ALL the old epoxy is removed.
Check any areas you may have scored, or filed to give them more
"purchase" to make sure all that old epoxy is gone. Your best tools
for this is toothpicks, pins or cotton swabs dipped in the rubbing
alcohol. Once cleaned, you may wish to re-score or file those
areas, gently.
I do not recommend the quicker epoxies, as they do not always hold
up as well to temperature, pressure or other environmental changes.
I do recommend the Epoxy 330, amber. It is a long set - 8 hour -
epoxy. Made by Hughes in MN. (usual disclaimer, no relation other
than very happy customer) You can find it at Rio, IJS, Thunderbird,
and many other jewelry suppliers. As always, make sure all parts to
be glued are clean, dry and fit well. For Crystals, or other smooth
surfaces, I always make sure to score, file or in some way make it
rougher for that additional ‘purchase’.
Mix your epoxy to the instructions. I also make sure to spend a few
extra minutes mixing it, for the 330, it will turn kind of a gray
color. And it’s way easy, with the long set, to take that few extra
minutes on the front end to save grief, time and frustration in the
long run.
Making sure to carefully handle the pieces to be glued, so that no
finger oil, or contaminants get on the surfaces to be joined, add
your epoxy - a plain old tooth pick or straight pin works very well
- place the epoxy on both sides, put together, and set aside to dry.
For drying I use old Styrofoam meat or bakery trays, cups filled
with rice, or egg cartons. All work well to keep the jewelry pieces
stable, and in the correct position so that things don’t slide, or
move from where they are supposed to be.
Leave overnight, and in the morning, Viola! It is done, and dry.
The only time I have ever had ANY trouble with this epoxy, in over
15 years, is when it was extremely humid. I didn’t have a
dehumidifier then… Now, I do. So, 3 pieces that I had trouble
with in 15 years, of the thousands, is not so bad.
AJ Cullum
the Royal Exchange Jewelers