Starting small home jewelry repair business


On your cell phone you can get an option to forward to your home
phone for when you are at home. Then you forward back to cell when
you leave home. Plus you can also have voice mail and when you call
to get your messages from a land line you do not pay cell minutes.
These options work great for me as I have a home studio but go out to
teach. Good luck!

Karen Bahr
Karen’s Artworx

Well I guess I get to prove how deep my paranoia runs. Tazers, (not
sure of there legality in Illinois) have marginal effectiveness.
Plenty of stories in the news everyday of police shooting someone
multiple times with one before they are effective. Also the persons
clothing can be a factor, leather for example, the "claws" won't
always penetrate. Stun guns, same problems, but you also need to me
standing right next to them. 

With all due respect:

To reiterate, “You get what you pay for.” If you’re going to buy a
gun, you don’t buy a bb gun and expect to stop a criminal. If you’re
going to buy a stun gun, purchase the top quality model and brand–
you’re not going to stop a criminal with a 9-volt battery.

I’m sure those “stories” don’t tell what model or brand those stun
guns were, either. I wonder if that is in Consumer Reports haha.

To answer another question, yes I have seen both the best models and
the cheap models in full action at shows, and some wearing very thick
clothing (there are people who actually get paid to be tested on,
thank God I wasn’t one of them). Pepper spray? Same thing, you get
what you pay for.

Choose your weapons wisely, just like your tools :wink:

Also fyi, I don’t own any weapons as I don’t need them or want them,
I just know about them; I operate on a different level of
understanding with my surroundings. And no, I’m not a monk.

(This will be the last off-topic post, for me. I apologize in

All the best,
Jim Sprague Jr.