I am looking for a supplier of sterling cast pieces (simple rings)
for a class I will be teaching in June. These pieces must be suitable
for inlay or enameling.
L.J. Smole
W.Fox Studio in Eureka Springs, Arkansas
I am looking for a supplier of sterling cast pieces (simple rings)
for a class I will be teaching in June. These pieces must be suitable
for inlay or enameling.
L.J. Smole
W.Fox Studio in Eureka Springs, Arkansas
Indian Jewelers Supply had a lot of cast rings and such for inlay. I
don’t know how they would work for enameling because I have no
experience with enameling.
IJS - 800-545-6540
Rick Copeland
Silversmith and Lapidary Artisan
Rocky Mountain Wonders
Colorado Springs, Colorado