Hello fellow Orchidians…I have a quest and after a lot of
searching about I need help.I have a dear friend of many years who
is looking for a unique ring. He wants a simple band with no stones
and little if any decoration.A simple enough request, no?Well here’s
the tough part, he want’s stainless steel. Why? Aside from a fairly
sever reaction to most precious metals, (his skin literally tarnishs
thru most metals) he works in an industrial situation were
contamination from metals is a huge daily issue (copper,silver, gold
and platinum are all restricted). For those of you who interested his
job involves making the boards and chips for PC’s.
Anyway as a silversmith I am having a devil of a time find a decent
supplier for stainless steel rings. I have located a couple of small
selections here in Portland, Oregon but honestly I’d like to send my
friend a small jeweler to get something more unique than a plain
band and I know he’d like to have a larger selection than jus a
cuople of bands to choose from.
Also he came across a couple folks online who are producing folded
steel rings (read like a domascus sword), which really caught his
eye. Both jewelers include gold or silver in their work and were not
open to a steel only commision. So long and short of it…If someone
in Orchid land knows or is a jeweler who works in stainless or folded
steel and is web or Portl and accessible please bounce me contact
info. It would make my friend so very pleased and full fill a wish
for a coming birthday.Thank you i nadvance
Hi Amy. I can make a stainless steel band. I’ve made several now. I
don’t have a line of them to choose from, but I can do most any
“normal” thing you friend might want. We’re in San Francisco, Ca.
And we’re in (white) Albuquerque right at the moment. If you or he is
interested, get in touch after Jan 2 and we can talk.
There is a company in Utah, Fable that does titanium, stainless steel
(and another metal, I think silicon carbide wedding ) bands, and they
have comfort fit bands. They have about 18 different styles. I am not
at work, so I do not have their phone #. E-mail me off-line if you
need the phone #.
Have you tried touching base with fellow Orchidian Chris Ploof
(email: chris AT chrisploof.com)? In addition to being a great guy,
very easy to work with, et al, Chris is one helluva craftsman, and
does works with steels, meteorites, mokume gane, etc., so if anyone
can help you our, my bet would be on him.
All the best,
Douglas Turet, G.J.,
Turet Design, LLC
P.O. Box 242
Avon, MA 02322-0242
Hi Amy, I am able to make rings in stainless steel produced on CNC
equipment, however in this case, I would recommend titanium.
Stainless steel still contains iron, and people with acidic sweat or
work with harsh chemicals can still cause the iron to rust. Titanium
is a much more inert metal that is
typically used in bone implants and other medical uses for that
reason. I do mokume gane inserts, but as you mentioned, most of the
metals are more reactive than titanium. I also have a unique process
that has the look of Damascus steel or mokume, but utilizing only
aerospace grade titanium, so the ring stays completely inert.